Book Nook Freebie: Gooseberry Patch eBook

Good morning everyone!! It’s finally Friday, we made it, we survived another week, and the weekend is just hours away 🙂 Above is an amazing find, rarely do I find a free Gooseberry Patch book. Perhaps I’m not always looking in the right place but I just had to share this one in case someone didn’t have it (I know I didn’t).

Also found a yummy recipe for gluten free peanut butter cookies. Head on over to Shockingly Delicious (<—Click there) to get the recipe. I’m going to make them into bars/squares instead of individual cookies. Will update with pictures later 🙂

Hope you all have a blessed day!


Decided to make a couple of changes to the recipe, since they were gluten-free I also wanted to make them sugar-free. Instead of sugar I used Stevia in the Raw and had to add an extra egg to compensate for the Stevia (you wouldn’t have to do that if you are using regular sugar). After mixing all the ingredients together I pressed the dough into a 9-inch round cake pan and baked it for 10 minutes. Let it cool for 3 minutes and served it up. I’m in love with this recipe, personally. It isn’t too terribly sweet, and if you wanted to add some finishing sugar on top you most certainly can. My son added a little Truvia to the top of his slice and he liked it even more. We had our slices with some turkey sausage patties to round out the “breakfast”.

If you want to add some chocolate chips or drizzle some chocolate over the top you can most certainly do that too. These were insanely easy to make and would be perfect to add to any lunch box!

Gluten Free Peanut Butter 001

Baked to perfection!

Gluten Free Peanut Butter 004

Still warm from the toaster oven (I love baking smaller treats in our toaster oven hehe).

Gluten Free Peanut Butter 005

These aren’t going to last much longer 😀