“Shine On” Award

I tell y’all what, you all certainly keep me on my toes ๐Ÿ™‚ Last night just as I was having trouble going to sleep my ipod dinged with an update on my WordPress app. To my surprise, which kept me awake a bit longer hehe, I discovered that I was nominated for a Shine On Award!

Jhuls over at thenotsocreativecook blog was so gracious to think of my humble blog and nominate it for this sweet award ๐Ÿ™‚ Jhuls has so many fabulous and tasty recipes, one that has been tempting me for a while now are the Red Velvet White Chocolate Chip Cookies which I am finally going to make for Valentine’s Day this year!



One of the requirements of this award is to share seven random things about myself. So here goes!

  1. I love Samba dancing even though I only do it at home ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m not a great dancer but it’s the one style that I don’t mind gettin’ jiggy with!
  2. I always go to sleep on my left side to help keep my stomach acids down. This has helped me for months now, no more sleeping upright or munching on antacids before bedtime.
  3. My ipod is my alarm clock and I have to listen to soft music to help me sleep. Mostly mellow cello and mellow piano through the Songza app.
  4. My favorite bad snack, that I haven’t had in YEARS, would be Sun Drop soda and funyuns!
  5. I’m terrible at making rice. Every time I do it it’s not fluffy but gummy,perfect for eating with chop sticks lol…been looking at rice steamers for a while now. It’s going on my 2014 Christmas list ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. I love psychotic and thriller movies, I love the suspense and hate the chasing scenes. One movie that still gets to me is The Strangers. That sensation that someone could be behind you watching you and you turn around to see that no one is there…freaky! We have a glass paned back door that I can’t wait to change to a solid door. If you’ve seen that movie you’ll understand why!
  7. I love listening to Christmas music through out the year. Mostly instrumental classical versions though.

And now, for the nomineesโ€ฆ Congratulations to:


Candidly Carol














โ€˜Shine Onโ€™ Award rules:

  1. Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Acknowledge that blogger on your blog, and link back.
  3. Share seven random, interesting things about yourself.
  4. Nominate up to 15 bloggers for the โ€˜Shine Onโ€™ Award, provide a link to their blogs in your post, and notify them on their blogs.

Congrats to all nominees and a hearty thanks to everyone for following the Night Owl Kitchen Blog! Thanks again to Jhuls for the nomination ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a blessed morning!

9 thoughts on ““Shine On” Award

  1. Haha! Seriously, notifications from WordPress will make you awake for a little longer. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Uhm, I cannot dance! Haha! I love to sing but I only do it at home (and alone!). It’s too bad I don’t have a good voice. Haha! I also love thriller and psychotic movies. ๐Ÿ˜€

    CONGRATULATIONS to everyone and thank you for the mention! ๐Ÿ˜‰ xx

    • Hehe my pleasure! I love to sing too and I used to sing in front of people but my voice isn’t what it used to be, I can still sing alto and second soprano but it’s not the same quality that it once was. I guess that’s life ๐Ÿ˜‰ xx

      • Ah yes! I used to sing at school when I was in second grade. Haha! Anyway, have a lovely day and congratulations again. I am glad you enjoyed the award. ๐Ÿ˜‰ xx

  2. Thank you so much for considering my blog for nomination I the Shine award. I am humbled and appreciate the recognition from a fellow blogger.

    Weight issues are my passion after struggling for years to stay healthy. I am doing it with others. Please join us in our free closed weight loss support group on Facebook http://Facebook.com/groups/Icanwillshallreachmygoals


    Jackie Brown

  3. Pingback: “Shine On” Award | You Can Be Slim 2

  4. Pingback: Down in the Dumps | Life is but a Labyrinth

  5. Ahh! Does this mean I am famous now?! Thank you so much for the nomination, I can’t wait for all the red carpet drama of the Shine on Awards. Will Tina Fey and Amy Poehler be hosting? Should I wear a dress or a tux? Decisions decisions…

    Thanks again Amanda ๐Ÿ™‚

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